Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
It's hard to believe that Kevin Strickland of Missouri has servbed almost 44 years in Missouri prison for a crime the lead witness now says was not done by Kevin Strickland. Strickland was imprisoned when he was only 18 at the time and is now going on 62 years old.
On Rachel Maddow's show last Friday, Jackson County Missouri prosecutor Jean Peters Baker said "Governor Parsons pardoned 36 people on Memorial Day and most of those people that were pardoned were no longer in prison".. You mean to tell me that Governor Parsons won't make the pardon of an inniocent man a priority but will make it a priority to pardon people no longer even in prison? There's something wrong with that folks...
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
The race for quantum computing will claim everything "secure" today including Bitcoin
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
It's an interesting race: on one side, we have China and Russia and even Microsoft and Google all racing to create quantum computing which will claim everything we know as "secure" today.. Our online banking that we use, our password security on every website and even Bitcoin won't be immune to being 'cracked'. On the other side, we have people racing to create cryptography to meet the quantum computing challenge before that happens.
When you consider Bitcoin it has several other weaknessess that may make you question whether or not it should be considered a 'store of value' worthy of trillions of dollars..
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Bill Maher is on a roll lately --and I don't mind that-- but if you are goimg to make a point, please use facts to do it.. in this situation, Bill is desperate to make the point that Biden's free college plan is unfair in that it penalizes someone who chooses not to go to college by making that individual pay for others to 'go to college'. In reality, Biden is paying for 2 years of community college which should be available to everyone and is going to raise taxes on those making over $400k to pay for it. In some cases where loopholes are closed it's the richest, most wealthy Americans that will pay for this. So no, Bill, 'everyone' (including those who choose not to go to college) will not be paying for those who do take the Government up on the offer to pay for 2 free years of community college. If you can't make a point by sticking to the facts are you really making any point?
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Inside Merrick Garland's Department Of Justice, there's quite a bit of housecleaning that should be done after the NYT reported that under AG Bill Barr, the DOJ subpoenaed Apple to gain access to Congressman Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff.. and 12 other people including a minor! Let's keep in mind that Congress is a co-equal branch to the presidency.. not a subordinate branch. Not only do we need to purge anyone at the DOJ who did this but also ensure that it cannot happen again.. In the crackhead segment today we have Crackhead Barney who had a rather interesting discussion with Andrew Giuliani.. Caitlyn Jenner who still has problems doing the math on the last election and Milo Yiannopoulis who thinks dogs stopped barking at him after he went ex-gay back in March..
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Senator Manchin won't support House gun legislation HR8 because of one point..
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Another sad mass shooting makes us again question whether or not we as Americans are doing 'everything we can' legislatively to help prevent shootings like this from happening again.. Until we have done everything we can legislatively with common sense laws around background checks for people looking to buy guns- and not allowing 'loopholes' that end up killing people- can we really feel like we have really done enough?
The House recently passed HR8 that has two Bills within it that seek to tighten the background checks around gun sales but Senator Manchin has said today that he 'doesn't like' the House legislation for one reason which I will go into and why it makes sense on the surface but upon deeper consideration really doesn't make any sense at all..
#forthepeople #HR8 #HR1446
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Michael Smerconish was on CNN with Chris Cuomo in an 'epic' fail where he was astounded that more Senators refused to join with Senator Joe Manchin in trimming Covid unemployment relief in today's Covid Bill. There's a lot to unpack in this but let's refute the claims Smerconsih made of:
1)They have money on the shelf from the last Covid Bill that is 'unspent..
2)We just got a good Feb unemployment number, that should have inspired a more conservative stance with regard to unemployment..
3)The waiver on tot taxing the first $10,200 of unemployment compensation puts people who return to work at a disadvantage..
Let's keep in mind that 85% of Americans have not received their Covid shots yet and in Brazil, their is a variant that really should be considered that is causing more sickness in 20-30 year olds than in the last Covid wave. There are a lot of concerns and I am afraid Smerconish and Joe Manchin have not given this much thought..
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Here's yet another reason to pass this Covid Bill: people using the Obamacare Insurance Marketplace are getting hit with some big bills but the relief -and remedy- is actually in the Covid Bill that Republicans are having great fun delaying.. A tiny group of Qanon was spotted in DC for the 3/4 Inauguration of Trump.. Detroit Mayor, a Democrat, is thinking like a Neanderthal.. Kayleigh McEnany on Fox News is still drinking the same Kool-Aid she drank in the Trump administration..
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
FL Democrats ask FBI and DOJ for investigation into FL vaccine distribution
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Ron DeSantis hasn't announced that he is running for president in 2024 but it is a certainty that he will-- so it's worth scrutinizing what he is doing and how he is going about raising money for his campaign especially since he has raised at least 3.9 million since December..
The Miami Herald has a story this afternoon that indicates that Florida's two top Democratic officials are calling for both the FBI and the DOJ to investigate a situation where the Ocean Reef community, a wealthy Florida enclave, received vaccinations provided by Baptist Hospital at the same time Baptist Hospital was sending out texts notifications that they had to cancel everybody else's scheduled vaccinations.. Let's take a look at the report and what makes this story worth and the claims looking into..
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
The House passed two Bills yesterday, the George Floyd Justice in policing Act and the Election Reform Bill. The House is passing some great legislation and it used to be that Mitch McConnell was the problem- he wouldn't allow the legislation to come up for a vote but now it's going to be the filibuster that's the issue.. and we have to do something about it by either reforming the filibuster
or by using the nuclear option..
#endthefilibuster #forthepeople
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Democrats could pass legislation the Mitch McConnell way with the nuclear option
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
We have another election in two years and to be in a position to do things for the American people, we have to both have legislation for them is meaningful and a Senate process that allows us to pass that legislation. Things like balancing the Supreme Court after Republicans packed the court with conservatives is important.. passing the minimum wage is important. To allow the agenda for the people to move ahead, when it comes to the filibuster, we've got a couple options: filibuster reform or the nuclear option which is what I want to discuss today. #forthepople #nuclearoption #filibusterreform