
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
This is coming in from Politico today, where we have now found out that some very critical US Nuclear Administration computers were hacked. We're still discovering the extent to what is believed was a Russian Intel hack of some our most sensitive systems.. What do you think Trump will do about this when his business model basically depends -or has depended- on Russian business. Trump also made millions on a Palm Beach real estate deal selling property to a Russian billionaire- and in Russia, you don't get to be a billionaire without being intouch with Vladimir Putin..

Saturday Dec 12, 2020
We now have another day that will now live in infamy..
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
On December 7th, 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared “this day will live in infamy”.. 2400 Americans died that day but just yesterday, 2750 Americans died from Covid. But something really great happened on December 11, 2020, we achieved a vaccine for all Americans and the US Supreme Court dismissed Trump’s lawsuit to subvert our democracy...
Also on YouTube:

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Berny Sanders gets ambushed on MSNBC talking CARES Act
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Available on Youtube as well: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1HeQkbta9C17sNZPrE3yBQ
or search "Rusted Culture Podcast" on Youtube.
"I fundamentally disagree".. what are you talking about Stephany Ruhle?
Folks, we've got record food lines, unemployment benefits expiring on 12/26, mortgage deferrals are soon expiring.. what Americans need right now is support- food support, unemployment benefits--with the extra money add on.
Why are we always re-inventing the wheel in the US? Look at what Germany is doing.. look at what Canada is doing. Here's an example in Germany of how we should be handling supporting businesses that are forced to reduce or completely close..

Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Rush Limbaugh makes a fragile case for voter fraud
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Rush Limbaugh was back at the golden microphone on Friday having been out the earlier part of the week and came back swinging to make the case of voter fraud that kept Trump from victory..
Rush spoke about Rudy Giuliani’s Georgia appearance at the Georgia State Senate hearing and how there were “suitcases of ballots hidden under a table” which were attended to after asking poll watchers and many other workers to leave.. Rush said “poll watchers are required by law to be there”.. wrong.. there’s no requirement there but someone from the State has to be there.. and there was.
Rush then claimed state legislators in Georgia would have to be appointed to vote for Trump if (yes, another) recount wasn’t done but a State Senator from Georgia had this to say..

Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Last week Tucker Carlson did a segment on Mac’s Public House in Staten Island, NY. The city, based on the health department’s (both state and local) made the area an orange zone, shutting down inside dining for the most part.. Tucker screamed the city was targeting Republicans just to spike the politicized angle, of course.
Danny Presti, the bar’s owner said he wasn’t going to shut down with a lot of drama and protesters outside his bar.. another David vs. Goliath story. He was rested and charged but says he is going to keep on going on Tucker’s show and by the way, “thanks for bringing the cameras out”..
Turns out the bar owner is making some serious money with all this publicity.. and I just have to wonder...

Friday Dec 04, 2020
Weird News This Week 12/4/2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
A collection of weird news stories from this week:
LA police taze man trying to flag them down to help with an accident..
Waffle House has a new combo..
Conservative member of European Parliament arrested at gay orgy..
Joe Exotic was trying to get a presidential pardon real hard..
Ohio is advising for residents not to travel to.. Ohio
and more!

Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Bill Barr’s days as AG may be ending sooner than you think..
Trump tries to cut a grand bargain with Georgia’s Governor.. promising a Republican ‘win’ in the runoff if he gets his way..
Is Trump trying to recreate the ‘dangling chad’ Florida ordeal from the Gore vs. Bush presidential election?
At the end of the day folks, why would anyone expect 2 millionaires, Loeffler and Perdue, to help the middle class? What did Trump, a billionaire, do for the middle class? Expecting millionaires to help the middle class is a fantasy...

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Sidney Powells crumbling charge
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Yesterday evening Sidney Powell held a press conference with Lin Wood and I wanted to enumerate the problems that I have with what she and Lin Wood said...
Did you realize Sidney Powell is taking money into a ‘legal defense fund’ to ‘support’ this?
I disagree with how Lin Wood opened with prayer and challenges Governor Brian Kemp to ‘put his hand on the Bible’ to say he did not take money from China? Are you serious? This is crackpot conjecture here folks..
The epic fail came when someone in the audience asked this question...
Then Sidney Powell stated ‘only one county in GA did a hand recount’.. that’s not true folks, GA did a full hand recount of 5 million votes..
It looks to me like Sidney wants to ‘keep the donations flowing’ folks... It’s always about the money. Always.

Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Mark Levin: election denial and coping with a system no longer rigged for the wealthy
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
On Monday, Mark Levin perpetuated his state of election denial with discussing the most recent case thrown out by the PA Supreme Court brought by Congressman Mark Kelly and six others..
What Mark Levin fails to tell you is this folks....
Mark continues grasping at straws trying to explain away how the election just couldn’t have been lost to Biden..
What really scares Mark Levin the most is a system that’s not rigged for the elitist ‘fat cats’ at the top.. there’s a new sheriff in town folks..

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Georgians should see this for what it really is: Trump, Loeffler and Perdue need to make Georgia Secretary of State-an honest Republican- a scapegoat to make their election fraud fantasy play out..
Trump has been screaming election fraud where there is none and because of that, their fear is that Republicans won’t turn out for the Senate runoff unless they can fire Raffensperger and thereby claim they ‘fixed the rigged election’ so all Georgians can vote with confidence..
Raffensperger isn’t the problem... Trump, Loeffler and Perdue are the problem here..