
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Gov Greg Abbott Is The Real Problem In Texas... Steve Bannon Says Trump Has Dementia?
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Greg Abbott, the Governor of Texas is busy pointing fingers at everyone and everything but himself over this electricity catastrophe.. Abbott claims that wind turbines are the problem but in Iowa wher the weather is even more frigid and nasty, 40% of the power in Iowa comes from wind turbines. The real problem in Texas is the idiot Governor who won't accept an ounce of blame for what's going on there. Why are Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity coming to the rescue? It has more to do with their conservative Republican experiment gone awry than anything else.. Steve Bannon was looking to have the 25th Amendment used to remove Trump from office because he thinks Trump has dementia... we always knew something was wrong.. #TrumpDementia steve bannon, trump dementia, texas power disaster, greg abbott,

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Priest Performs 'Exorcism' In The Middle of The Capitol Riot Chaos?
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Father David Fulton was very busy during the Capitol riots on January 6th as he was performing an 'Exorcism' during the chaos where people were killed and the Capitol was overrun. It's not every day that a Priest can enjoy so much fun, I guess. Father David goes on about demons and Satanists at the Capitol yet can't think of any lawmakers who are Satanists. Why can't religious leaders just stay out of politics? #capitolriots #forthepeople

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Anti Covid-vaxxers gone crazy across the USA
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
The anti-covid vaccination people are out and have no limits in terms of their craziness, whether it's protesting and shutting down a vaccination drive at the Dodgers Stadium where people waited in line, in their cars for hours to get a vaccine or insisting that the nurse, Tiffany Dover, who received the vaccine then fainted is dead as a result of getting the vaccine. Let's take a look at these and more- examples of the anti-vaxxer craziness that is going on out there.. #TiffanyDover #rustedculture

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Tucker Carlson makes a case for no domestic terrorism laws
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Starting this off this thread of Republican crazyism is Senator Ted Cruz who is trying to tell Americans why we do not need to hold Trump accountable.. then you have newly elected Congresswomen, "QAnon Queens" like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert. MArjorie Taylor Greene is so radical that she actually believes the Parkland shooting that killed 14 kids was staged. So the crazy in the Republican party is running strong at the top, then you have a bottom up approach to crazy with Republicans like pastor Greg Locke. Then we have old Tucker Carlson here folks who is trying to make the case for NOT having any domestic terrorism laws by essentially saying tht "they are coming for you".. #Tucker Carlson #impeachment #RustedCulture

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Mitch McConnell throws a tantrum in demand to keep filibuster as-is
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell is threatening to filibuster the Senate "Organizing Resolution" which cedes the power in Senate panels to Democrats unless Chuck Schumer, the new Democrat leader of the Senate, agrees not to touch the current filibuster rules. Threatening to filibuster until Senate majority leader Schumer agrees to not change the filibuster is an ironic twist for a tantrum but McConnell is telling anyone that will listen that he doesn't want the rules governing the filibuster to change.. What is the filibuster it's history and what can we do about keeping it or ending the filibuster?.. #endthefilibuster #rustedculture

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
The conservative media in many respects is better about spreading election fraud lies but Fox News was left scratching their heads as to why Biden's inaugural speech had references to "lies told for power and profit".. Rush Limbaugh even said "he had to be careful about this".. but still muttered out the election fraud narrative. Lincoln Project is moving on seditionist Ted Cruz because of his support of the election fraud narrative and Rick Wilson had this to say.. #rustedculture #expeltheseditionists

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
GOP mole Michael Ellis inserted into NSA to curate future intel on Trump?
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Michael Ellis, the one time Jeopardy contestant that banked $16k in winnings was demanded by the current defense secretary Chris Miller to be installed as top lawyer in the NSA. General Nakasone runs the NSA and was largely sidelined in this GOP mole being installed into the agency which will give Ellis the ability to decide what Congress gets to see from both the NSA and CIA with the implication Ellis will do this favoring GOP interests.. Let's look at how this mole was able to be injected into such an important role at the NSA and what could be done about it.. #RustedCulture

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Conservatives scream the $15 minimum wage increase a 'trojan horse' for socialism
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Leave it to the insufferably conservative Washington Examiner to craft an article that decries a $15 minimum wage but omits telling you that the current minimum wage is only $7.25 and has been sitting there unchanged since 2009. Isn't it relevant that $7.25 is so low it's embarassing and that nobody can survive on that wage? Brad Polumbo takes what Biden is doing with the minimum wage increase and says that he wants to bring a Nordic style economy to the USA but did you realize this fact about that argument?.. Under Trump, we've had an economy where corporations don't pay their fair share, where the 1%'ers don't pay their fair share of taxes (as a percentage of income) and in this, we have been enabling an economy that disadvantages the middle class and poor.. and it's time for this to change and $15/hr minimum wage is a great place to start. #minimumwage #RustedCulture

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment would prevent Trump from ever holding office again
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Holding a House vote on impeachment has the benefit of flushing out whomever is not in favor of impeaching the president. It would also force immediate accountability for Trump, so there is a value in that vote, however, it's not going to pass the Senate because of the 2/3 majority that is needed.. That's where Section 3 of the 14th Amendment comes into play. It would prevent Trump from ever holding public office ever again. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment would pass because it only needs a simple majority vote and once passed, the adjudication of that vote would be handed off to the courts, allowing the House and Senate to start working for the people immediately on other issues. #14thamendment #14thamendmentsection3 #forthepeople #RustedCulture

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Capitol riot assisted by concerns over 'bad optics' of National Guard presence
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
The riot in he Capitol was made worse by concerns over how it would look on TV to have the National Guard pushing back against MAGA rioters with images of the Capitol in the background.. we certainly shouldn't risk displeasing Trump. Throw in a little 'lack of coordination and preparation' by Pentagon chiefs and you have the 'perfect storm' for rioters to turn violent and storm and subsequently breach the Capitol.. Now the additional concern is over the inauguration and if there are any Guardsmen who are MAGA loyalists.. #capitolriots #RustedCulture #magaterrorists