
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Listen to what the conservative talk show hosts are saying about Biden right now- they are all in a state of denial that Biden actually won this election. They’re simply stunned. Whether you look at Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin, they are frantically peddling fraud in this election where there is no fraud.
Mark Levin even goes so far as to challenge Biden’s ‘president elect’ status.. keep in mind Biden has 290 electoral votes and soon may have 306 with Georgia..
Mark Levin is so desperate in peddling fraud where there is none that he is claiming that you can send in a ballot in some states without any signature.. it’s patently false and I have an article that proves that..
One of these days, DC Republicans and the likes of Rush and Mark will wake up from their ‘state of denial’ and smell the coffee..

Monday Nov 09, 2020
From Mark Levin to Rudy It’s a post election fun house
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Mark Levin is so concerned that the extra time Pennsylvania is taking to count ballots is leading to chaos.. in reality, they are making sure the count is correct.
Rudy Giuliani, we’ll miss you when you’re not in the media anymore. Rudy never disappoints.. even when he’s giving a presser at Four Seasons Landscaping, in the back alley..
Trump says he won’t concede but did he, in effect, concede without knowing it?
The GSA’s Emily Murphy, a Trump appointee, is dragging her feet in giving Biden president-elect status which gives Biden a lot of benefits not to mention a formal declaration of having won outside of the media..

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Biden Victory without a Trump Concession?
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Despite all of the disadvantages that Dem’s faced, despite Trump crippling the USPS through Louis DeJoy, despite an electoral system that ignores the popular vote.. I believe we’re going to win this..
Trump announces a ‘fraud’ is taking place on election night against the American people.. but what we must do is count every duly cast vote.
Why we have nothing to fear on actually counting Mail in ballots..
You can expect Trump won’t make a concession speech, probably won’t be at the Inauguration but none of that matters. It is soon going to be time for Republicans to ‘pull the plug’ on Trump. There’s one thing we’re good at here in the USA and that’s holding fair elections where the people are given a voice to choose their leaders..
Attribution: The USPS delivery percentages mentioned in the podcast were for 11/3 and from Jacob Bogage Washington Post reporter covering USPS.
“New USPS data filed in federal court (with Judge Emmet Sullivan) this morning.
Incoming ballot delivery scores 11/3:
- Atlanta, 82.2%
- Central PA, 61.3%
- Philadelphia, 66.3%
- Detroit, 78.9%
- Greensboro (NC), 72.9%
- Lakeland (Wisc.), 76.8%
** These are completed ballots sent to election offices. **. “

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Rush Limbaugh show highlights from last week (from my perspective)
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Rush Limbaugh, the great American divider, was at it again folks with a diatribe of hate for the left this past week..
The left thinks ”patriots are white supremacists” really?..
”the left wants to remove our statues of greatness”.. you mean the ones glorifying slavery?
”the media doesn’t have one good thing to say about Trump” um, right, and here’s why..
Above all folks, there’s a good reason why Rush “does what he does” and it’s vitally important to understand that when you listen to what he says..

Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Is Trump a flight risk if he loses the election?
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
This is a review and analysis of a Politico opinion article written by Retired Brigadier General Peter Zwack:
The article discusses why he thinks Trump constitutes a flight risk and some analysis on how he thinks Trump may attempt to flee..
“Brigadier General Peter B. Zwack retired from the U.S. Army in 2015 after a 34-year career in tactical and strategic military intelligence, and as a foreign area officer. His overseas postings included Afghanistan, Kosovo, South Korea, West Germany and Russia. His final assignment was as the U.S. senior Defense Attache to The Russian Federation from 2012-2014.”

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Hunter Biden: The failed October surprise and the meltdowns that followed
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
When you discuss the myriad of conspiracy theories associated with Hunter Biden they all end with Trump operative meltdowns and the best meltdowns come from Rudy Giuliani who really knows how to properly conduct an epic meltdown..
Even Tucker Carlson is conducting mild-mannered meltdowns over Hunter Biden...
Rush Limbaugh has his own take on why Hunter Biden isn’t a big story and just listen, it’s unbelievable!
Lastly, here’s a bombshell on a document that Trump operatives have been using to lay the groundwork on Hunter Biden, and again, it’s been debunked by NBC and here’s the article link :
New! YouTube podcast video link: https://youtu.be/GLazSbEstSM

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
We must rebalance SCOTUS; Trump prepaid taxes? Prove it!
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
What a selfish travesty by not only Mitch McConnell but also by Amy Coney Barrett, this is nothing more than a greedy power grab by them all. If Amy Coney Barrett believes in fairness, she should have insisted on waiting until after the election but she didn’t because the power of this was too hard to resist..
Republicans have the gall to ask if Biden will ‘pack the court’? Here’s why we have no choice but to do that if given the mandate in this election.. 1869 was a very long time ago folks..
Ted Cruz is hot under the collar about Google, Facebook and Twitter censoring all their lies.. listen to this. If that’s not enough, Eric Trump has his feelings hurt because he thinks he’s not getting enough ‘likes’ because of this...
Trump says he prepaid taxes? Then prove it! That’s a lot easier than showing your taxes!
Is Trump losing it? He laughs at Biden but Trump said something that makes you wonder ‘what’s going on up there?’
New! YouTube podcast link: https://youtu.be/fFG7p8KTPGc

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Stand Back And Stand By- a Presidential debate that went horribly wrong
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
It was criminal how Donald Trump drove the first Presidential debate into the gutter and it happened really fast when Trump would not condemn a white supremacist group by saying “stand back and stand by”.. Trump has been doing this since 2016..
Democrats are too nice to Trump, they have to start ‘pivoting’ to stuff like this whenever possible..
America has a strong electoral process but it’s going to be tested by Trump.. where is he going to seed chaos in an effort to blow this 2020 election up?

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Trump plays down pandemic threat; Trump healthcare plan?; A dress with a stain
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
The rant on this episode:
Trump tells Washington Post’s Bob Woodward that he intentionally played down the pandemic so it wouldn’t panic people.. but a stock market panic is ok if Trump loses?
Where in the Sam hell is that Trump healthcare plan he said would be released 2 weeks ago about a month ago? Listen to a constituent of NC Senator Thom Tillis call in asking how she is going to pay for cancer treatment..
That darn dress with a stubborn stain.. now AG Bill Barr is going to take the case from Trump’s personal lawyers and fight it on the taxpayer dime..
Why do you think Trump picked a 4 month eviction moratorium that went into effect last Friday? Here’s a possible scenario and of course, it involves chaos..

Monday Aug 31, 2020
If Biden was President right now there would be no pandemic
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Think about this, if Biden was actually President right now, we would not be in a pandemic. We would have beaten it down just like Germany, just like China just like every country who did what they were supposed to do. Instead, Trump promoted quack cures, pitted states against states against the federal government when trying to bid to procure PPE and who suffers? The American people have needlessly suffered..
Remember Johnny Appleseed? Well, Trump is the Johnny Appleseed of chaos planting a lil’ chaos here and a lil’ chaos over there.. that’s why he is going to the protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin tomorrow..
Schools are the next super spreading platforms and many are working hard to mitigate that but did you hear what Florida Governor DeSantis is doing to stop the COVID spread in schools? Just suppress the information...