
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
The wacky world of Trump last week: a compilation
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
This is a compilation of some of the weird stories from Trumpworld last week:
-Trump to roll back a 1918 act that protected birds
-Pro-Trump mega donor sues over failure to expose election fraud
-a man outside a Trump Golf Club gets a misdemeanor for breathing on protesters
We only have 53 days to go folks, can we hold things together till then?

Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Assassination is no substitute for effective foreign policy
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Iran’s top nuclear scientist was assassinated by Israel according to the New York Times, and once again, were on the brink of another military action..
By Trump ending the Iran Nuclear deal, that’s why we have an Iran with 12x more enriched uranium than ever before and even after ending the deal, Trump made no effort to negotiate.. assassination is no substitute for effective foreign policy..
Aren’t we taught as kids to ‘get along’? We’ve got police, we’ve got courts but in the government there are few constraints in how we deal with other countries so you get things like assassination vs. diplomacy.. can we manage to hold things together for another 53 days?

Friday Nov 27, 2020
Ben Shapiro This Week: The best friend of the rich?
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
This week, Ben Shapiro actually said “the people on the top end of the tax spectrum (aka “the rich”) actually pay their fair share of taxes.. because they don’t get any benefits”
They don’t get any benefits he says?
-The rich have benefitted from the CARES act as well!
-How about the stock market rally, propped up by the CARES act? The rich benefitted indirectly from that too!
How about the rich on Medicare? Here’s a recent study over two countries and 25 thousand people that shows the rich outlive the poor by 9 years.. so the rich effectively get more benefits from Medicare than most other people do..
Then Ben Shapiro takes aim at John Kerry and slams his role in the Iran Nuclear deal Trump blew us out of, now Iran is an even larger actor in state sponsored terrorism than ever and they have 12x more enriched uranium than they did before Trump ended the Iran Nuclear deal..

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Georgia if you’re listening: Our long food bank lines demand change in America
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Folks, here we are in the midst of our Holidays and the number of Americans who are hurting for food has seldom been greater. Food lines measured in miles, wait times four hours long..
The question I wanted to answer is “is it just the USA that is making these headlines? Does England have food lines like this in this pandemic as well?” The UK has a program that has really prevented food lines..
Georgia, for the first time I can ever recall has the ability to put the USA on the path for change.. if they vote Democratic in this next Georgia runoff election, Joe Biden will fix this problem but he can’t do it with Mitch McConnell blocking his every move.. Mitch won’t fix this, Mitch actually hasn’t fixed anything but appoint more judges and more judges won’t put food on peoples plates, America!

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Fox News Fail: Move to remote learning has nothing to do with ‘science’
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Leave it to Fox News folks, only Fox News would contend that the move to remote learning because of the pandemic has ‘nothing to do with science’.. they even managed to find a former Georgetown Professor to agree..
They even blame President-elect Joe Biden who’s obviously not been sworn in yet!
See it on YouTube:Rusted Culture Podcast

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Eric Coomer is the latest Dominion Voting Conspiracy target for the right
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Eric Coomer is a director of product strategy and security for Dominion Voting Systems and is the target of a conspiracy theory for what some investigator allegedly heard him say about “Trump not winning this election.. hahaha”..
Rudy Giuliani, in his last press conference, spoke as if this allegation was a fact but listen to why it’s not..
For all we know, Sidney Powell will probably attempt to drag this into her lawsuit due out later today...

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Sydney Powell, have you just been voted off the island?
Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin have given Sydney Powell a pedestal from which she has delivered her crack pot theories about Dominion voter systems alleging votes were switched and just this weekend, that Georgia Governor Brian Kemp was ‘in on’ the plot to swing Georgia to Biden...
in this episode, we’ll hear from a Dominion voter systems spokesperson refute Sydney Powell’s crack pot claims..

Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Nobody shows the desperation of Trump’s legal team better than Mark Levin.. Mark Levin is frustrated that Trump’s legal team isn’t being taken seriously and hasn’t put the nations entire election results ‘on hold’ pending a 4 year investigation, or something close to that..
Mark Levin even blames reporters for not looking into these conspiracy based election fraud claims, if you can believe it..
Finally, Mark Levin tries to get Senator Tom Cotton to dig into this and help move the ball for Trump’s legal team..

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Dominion voting systems conspiracy theories peddled by Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh never used to be like this. They never used to peddle conspiracy theories so easily.. why do I follow them? You have to know and confront what they say to their listeners, otherwise, like a mushroom in the darkness, their lies flourish.. you have to drag their conspiracy theories out in the sunlight and debunk the crazy or they will flourish in the vacuum of darkness.
The two people peddling these theories being promoted by Mark and Rush are Lin Wood and Sydney Powell.. listen to the crazy talk and then why we shouldn’t believe a word of it..
We’ll talk about Dominion voter systems and Smartmatic and why there is no fraud with respect to America’s elections..

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Trump monetizes election fraud claims and sets Biden up for Covid failure
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
It’s always about the money folks..
Donald Trump, just last week, set up a new PAC called the “Save America” PAC and has been heavily soliciting donations..
Did you know that this new leadership PAC has few regulations around how he spends the money from donations? Did you know that 60% of the money donated goes straight into this PAC?
According to this article by the AP, Trump could use this money raised for just about anything including paying his sons a consulting fee..
So by keeping the claims of election fraud going, Trump has successfully monetized the bogus election fraud claims and has also cast Biden as an illegitimate president. What’s worse, folks, is that Trump, by not allowing Emily Murphy as GSA appointee, to sign off on Biden’s ‘president elect’ status is setting Biden up for Covid failure in the middle of the worst pandemic we’ve had in over 100 years..
The corruption is rampant folks.. it’s also happening right now in Georgia with the recount.. the only reason the Georgia Secretary of State has not been fired is this..